For a better future for journalism in the Arab world

Meet ghina amyouni

Welcome to Ayn W Ghayn, a project dedicated to promoting a free and independent press in the Arab world. As the President of Ayn W Ghayn, I am honored to lead this mission to support and advance journalism in the region.

Ayn W Ghayn was created to address the unique challenges facing journalism in the Arab world.

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Shaping the Future of Journalism in the Arab World

Upholding Traditional Values in a Changing Media Landscape

We recognize the importance of upholding traditional journalistic values such as accuracy, fairness, and accountability, while also embracing emerging technologies and innovations.

Our commitment to these values ensures that our journalists are equipped with the necessary skills and ethics to report the news in a rapidly evolving media landscape.

Promoting a Free and Independent Press in the Arab World

We are dedicated to promoting a free and independent press in the Arab world. We believe that a vibrant and diverse media landscape is essential to democracy, and we work to support journalists in their efforts to report on issues of importance without fear of censorship or retribution. Our resources, training, and advocacy programs empower journalists to pursue their work with confidence and integrity.

Combining Technology with Traditional Journalism

We understand the potential of AI and other emerging technologies to assist journalists in their work. However, we also recognize the importance of human judgement, ethics, and values in reporting the news.

By combining the strengths of technology with the values of traditional journalism, we can create a more informed, engaged, and connected Arab world.

We recognize the potential of Ai to assist journalists in their work, but also recognize the importance of human judgment, ethics and values in reporting the news.


Ayn W Ghayn’s mission is to promote and support the prosperity and advancement of journalism in the Arab world. our organization is committed to upholding journalistic ethics, providing training and resources to journalists, and advocating for press freedom.


Our vision is a thriving, diverse, and
independent media landscape in the Arab
world, where journalists are able to report on
issues of importance without fear of censorship or retribution.


At Ayn W Ghayn, we provide a range of services and resources to journalists and media outlets in the Arab world, including training and development programs, advocacy and support, networking and collaboration opportunities, and resources and information on the latest trends and developments in the industry.


Our Values

Values are guiding beliefs that shape our decision-making and behavior. In journalism, values like truth, accuracy, fairness, and transparency are essential for providing accurate and unbiased information to the public. Upholding these values helps maintain the profession’s standards and credibility. 


Upholding the highest
standards of honesty
and accountability in
all dealings.


Demonstrating a commitment
to excellence while maintaining
a high level of professionalism
in all interactions.


Fostering an environment
of collaboration and
seeking to build strong
relationships with all


Treating all individuals—
clients, partners and
colleagues—with respect,
courtesy and dignity.


Demonstrating a Striving to exceed
expectations and
delivering the best
quality results.


What is published or broadcasted by media outlets may be hurtful. This is why we promote awareness of the impact of our words and images on the lives of others.


We work with a diverse range of stakeholders, including journalists, media outlets, journalism schools, civil society organizations, and other partners who share our values and goals.

By working together, we can build a thriving and independent media landscape in the Arab world, where journalists are able to report on issues of importance and promote informed, engaged, and connected communities.

By helping journalists and media leaders in the Arab world grow by assisting them in creating the right growth and opportunities so that they have sustainable success.


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